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Are your menstrual cycles normal?

Writer's picture: Dr. Shadi Tabaei, NDDr. Shadi Tabaei, ND

Are you curious to know if your menstrual cycle and menstrual bleeding are normal?

Well here we go...


Normal cycle lengths are between 24-38 days long. If your cycles are less than 24 days long, then you are having your period too often. If your cycles are greater than 38 days long, then you are not having your cycles often enough, and you may not be ovulating.

How can you know your cycle length?

Track the first day of your current period to the first day of your next period. For example, if today was the first day of my period and in 28 days from now I got my period again, my cycle was 28 days long. Use a APP like periodtracker to help you track this easily.


Normally, women should bleed for less than 8 days. If your are bleeding for more than 8 days, your length of bleeding is too long.

Reasons for prolonged bleeding

- Low progesterone

- Iron deficiency

- Fibroids

- Anovulation


Women with normal bleeding will have to change their pads or tampons every 3 hours. During their period, they don't go through more than 21 pads/tampons. If you are soaking through your pads/tampons more than every 2 hours, and your bleeding is interfering with doing daily activities (e.g. waking you up from sleep, staining clothing or sheets), then you may be bleeding too much.

Reasons for prolonged bleeding

- Iron deficiency

- Fibroids

- Anovulation

- Endometriosis

If your menstrual cycle or menses is not normal, then do the following:

1) Save this email

2) Talk to your doctor

3) Book in a free 15 minute consult with me here so we can discuss your health

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