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Hormones and resistant weight loss

Writer's picture: Dr. Shadi Tabaei, NDDr. Shadi Tabaei, ND

Have you experienced difficulty with losing weight?

If so, here are some things you should know...

On average, moderately active women burn around 2500 kcal/day. If your eating around 1500 calories per day, you should be losing 2 lbs a week. (Let me know if you want me to explain the math behind that).

If your between these calories but you find your not losing the weight, then you are experiencing resistant weight loss, which could be explained by your hormones. 

Here are the top 4 hormones that contribute to resistant weight loss

#1 Insulin

Insulin is the hormone that helps us regulate our blood sugar. Its also a storage hormone, it tells our body to store energy and fat. If its high, our body is constantly in storage mode and it becomes REALLY friggin hard to lose weight when your hormones are telling you to store.

#2 Estrogen

At the perfect amount, estrogen is anti-inflammatory and actually protects our body against weight gain, especially around the belly. However, when its really high (eg. in women with fibroids, endometriosis, polyps) or really low (e.g. in menopausal or pre-menopausal women) it can promote weight gain.

#3 Cortisol

Cortisol is our stress hormone. When we are under stress, our body is in conservation mode. It will not allow us to lose weight, because we need that weight to survive. That's why women who are stressed out or burnt out will notice resistant weight gain, especially around their belly and arms.

#4 Leptin and Ghrelin

Leptin is the hormone that tells our brain that we are full, whereas ghrelin is the hormone that tells the brain to eat. Overtime our brain can become resistant to leptin and more responsive to ghrelin. When this happens, it becomes REALLY hard to control our cravings, leading to weight gain and resistant weight loss.

BONUS #5 Inflammation 

Inflammation is a normal reaction to stress, wounds, infections, and disease. However, when its chronic, it can cause overt inflammation in the body. When the body is inflamed, its not a favorable condition for weight loss. 

The GOOD NEWS is all these things can be tested! Once we find out what it is in the way of your weight loss and remove it, its much easier to lose weight.

If your ready to dig deeper into your health, book your free 15 minute consult here

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